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Sun, 03 Mar



AGM & Combined Service

The first Sunday in March will be our "Vision Sunday" and AGM. Once a year, we remind each other why we exist as a church. That’s important for a couple of reasons. First, it keeps us on track as a church. Second, it helps us when things get hard! We hope to see you there!

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AGM & Combined Service
AGM & Combined Service

Time & Location

03 Mar 2024, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Gymea, 131 Gymea Bay Rd, Gymea NSW 2227, Australia


About the event

The first Sunday in March is our "Vision Sunday" and AGM. Don't forget the time of our combined church service - 11am! Once a year, we remind each other why we exist as a church. That’s important for a couple of reasons. First, it keeps us on track as a church. Second, it helps us when things get hard.

At Gymea Anglican, we are driven by a simple yet powerful mission: we love Jesus, we love each other, and we love Gymea. These three pillars form the foundation of our church, guiding every aspect of our life together. In practical terms they push us in three directions: upward, as we exalt God (Love Jesus); inward, as we edify one another (Love Each Other); and outward, as we evangelise the world (Love Gymea). As a church, we are called to carry out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment, and our purpose statement was created to capture both of these critical mandates. These are the key values that will undergird our decision making and the purposes that will keep us focused on the mission of Jesus. Annual General Meeting As well as a time for elections and reports, the AGM is an opportunity to review the last 12 months and to present our future ministry directions for prayer. Here’s an outline of the day:

  • 8am Morning Prayer
  • 11am Combined Service (with kids program)
  • 12pm BBQ lunch (with 2023 group photo)
  • 1pm AGM (with kids supervision)

We hope you enjoy reflecting on God’s faithfulness to our church community. Above all, our prayer is that this AGM drives you to give thanks to God for His goodness, and ask that He will continue to bless us in the year ahead as we strive “to love Jesus, love each other, and love Gymea”. Who is elected at an AGM?

At Gymea Anglican we love Jesus, we love each other, and we love Gymea. These three great purposes a great deal of logistical support - that is, our mission needs to be supported, and our property and church facilities need to be stewarded. This is the job of the wardens and parish council – to keep the church functioning as an entity such that the ministry work of the church may continue. 

We have a responsibility as a church family to nominate and elect people to different positions in our parish administration. We ask you to consider this prayerfully and seriously.   


The Wardens primary role is to look after the welfare of the Minister, and to be responsible for the financial administration of the church. Their responsibilities include:

  • To have the charge, control and administration of all money and other property of the church including financial reporting, audited accounts, budgeting etc.
  • To ensure books of account of all money received and expended are kept.
  • To keep order in the church and its grounds.
  • To have care of the church, furniture and other things relating to the celebration of divine service and to see that everything is in proper order for performance of divine service.
  • To report to the Archbishop any grave irregularities in performance of divine service and any wilful neglect of duty or flagrant misconduct on the part of the minister.
  • To ensure appropriate insurance coverage for: Church, fittings, fixtures etc in rectory, halls, and all buildings on the church property; Liability against death or injury to persons and loss or damage. Such persons as may be required by law to be insured for any purpose.
  • To report to the Registrar of the Diocese the names, addresses and occupations of all persons elected or appointed to be trustees, churchwardens or members of parish councils.
  • Payment of stipends or any other amounts to be paid as authorised by the Parish Council.
  • Repair and maintenance of church property.
  • To provide the Minister with sufficient means for the safe custody of all church registers and records.
  • In addition to the Ordinance guidelines, the Wardens meet regularly with the minister to pray and provide insights and assistance in the spiritual oversight of the parish.


The Parish Council’s primary role is to consider and determine the governance of the church. Their responsibilities include:

  • To fix the stipend of the Minister.
  • To confer with the minister in the initiation, conduct and development of church work including matters vital to the spiritual welfare of the church and to make recommendations to the minister on ministry within the parish.
  • To keep minutes of its proceedings.
  • To appoint a qualified person as Auditor.
  • To fix percentages of mission giving.
  • Parish Council has the right and power to authorise payments and determine matters of policy in the control of the funds and property in the parish.
  • Parish Council may establish or abolish a committee(s) which may comprise or include people who are not members of Parish Council.
  • In addition to the Ordinance guidelines, the Parish Councillors agree to pray together over matters under their care.


In the event that David Fell was no longer our Senior Minister, the nominators would form a team to work with the diocese to find a replacement. Nominators are rarely called on, but this is a hugely important role should our church situation change.  SYNOD REPS  Each year representatives from all the Anglican churches in Sydney gather together and vote and decide on the future of the church. They appoint people to school boards and other organisations and contribute to how the diocese runs. Each church sends two people and the Senior Minister to vote.   

Criteria for being a Warden, Parish Councillor, Synod Rep or Nominator  

Our Church uses 1 Timothy 3 as the biblical guideline for what is expected of people who are elected to Parish Council or as a Warden. In writing to Timothy, Paul emphasises the importance of appointing mature Christians who are above reproach. At Gymea Anglican, we are likewise committed to appointing people who are committed to the ministry and mission of Christ Jesus.  

Nominating someone for a position 


If you believe someone meets the criteria to hold a position within our Church, first approach them and ask if they are willing to be nominated. If they are, you both need to sign the relevant ‘Nomination Form’ which will be located at the back of the church.  

Notice to Persons Seeking Election or Appointment  

Persons who are prohibited persons under the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 are not permitted to be appointed or elected to a position as Church Warden, Parish Councillor or a committee member of a Parish Council committee.  

"Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap. In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. A deacon must be faithful to his wife and must manage his children and his household well. Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus. Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth". 1 Timothy 3

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